We cherish everything made by human hands.  We believe that handcrafted items connect us to each other and enrich even the simplest routines and rituals in our lives.

We celebrate the essential human spirit within our ceramics, their regional origin, and the ancient methods and materials by which they were handcrafted.  We’re confident this will deepen the personal, emotional value placed in them.

We hope our products will become priceless.  We hope they will be irreplaceable.



The most fascinating aspect of our ceramics is the uniqueness and individuality achieved in each piece through the intense and unpredictable process of firing.

The raw, natural forces of fire and extreme heat transform each creation, previously just an indistinguishable copy, into something very special.  Each piece becomes one-of-a-kind.

Firing renders an amazing variety of colors and patterns resulting from only very slight differences in glaze composition, the thickness of the glaze at different locations on the product, and the position of each product in the kiln.

Even identical pieces prepared in exactly the same manner and sitting side-by-side during firing often turn out strikingly different.

Each product, then, is the perfectly imperfect combination of both natural and manmade processes.  Nature provides the raw material, millions of years in the making, and man adds a human touch.

The result is what Japanese know as wabi-sabi - the essential harmony and balance between natural and human effects.  In their distinctiveness, each of our ceramics is a unique expression of both the simplicity and complexity of our coexistence with nature.